What does Parent Council spend their money on you ask? Right now we are trying to raise funds to install 2 basketball nets we have purchased. Plus every year we contribute to the field trip transportation fund for each class.
Any questions can be directed to [email protected]
#1 - FORREST SPRING FUNDRAISER: PAC is once again running their Spring Plant fundraiser. Please click the links below for more information PLEASE NOTE: This fundraiser is being extended until April 26, 2024. Pick up will remain the same.
Poster with QR code.pdf
Form Forrest Spring Fundraiser 2024.pdf
#2 - On our return from spring break, from April 1-14th, PAC will be running the Forrest Timberwolves clothing fundraiser. More information will be sent when available including a link for you to be able to purchase clothing items.
#3 - PAC Ham Garlic Sausage & Bacon End Fundraiser for Forrest Elementary
Dear Families,
If you ordered from the recent PAC fundraiser, and selected the option to pick up your sausage/bacon, pick up time will be from 3:30-5:30pm Friday March 22nd. If you selected the option to send home, please remember to check your child’s back pack.
Forrest PAC
Family movie night was a success and thanks to student leadership for running the canteen! We are continuing to fundraise to achieve our goal to resurface the basketball area and replace the last two basketball nets!
The 50/50 winner was Angela Davis who made a donation back to PAC! Thank You!
Thank you Forrest Families for your support of the Giftcard Fundraiser!!! We raised $2,026 towards our Basketball Standards and Asphalt project. PAC members continue to put grant applications together looking for additional donations to our Basketball Court. Any suggestions or help is welcome (email [email protected]). Our goal is $50,000. We are now at $24,400!!
You can find the fundraiser tracker here PAC Tracker Jan 2024.pdf
We will have three more fundraisers this school year as we try to meet our $50,000 goal:
- Friday February 16 at 6pm – Family Movie & Pizza Night – 2 movies – details to follow – SAVE THE DATE You can find the Movie Night flyer here Movie Night Flyer1.pdf
- March – East 40 garlic sausage and bacon ends
- May (in time for Mother’s Day) – Spring Flower Planters will be back
Do you need labels? Forrest PAC earns 20% from all orders made from Mabel’s Labels. https://mabelslabels.ca/en-CA/fundraising/support
Our next PAC meeting will be Thursday March 14 at 6pm. Everyone welcome. Babysitting will be available.
Thank you for your continued support!!
Forrest PAC