Forrest PAC's Vesey's Bulbs Spring fundraiser will run from MARCH 21st to APRIL 5th.
A Veseys Bulbs Spring Catalogue, an order form and payment collection envelope have been sent home this week with a student in your family.
To view the Veseys Bulbs catalogue click on the PDF file here 2018-SPR-FUNDRAISING-CAN-web.pdf
extra order forms can be found here veseys orderform.pdf
Please make all cheques payable to FORREST PAC (or Forrest Parent Advisory Committee).
No late orders will be accepted to ensure we meet our delivery commitment.
Products will be delivered to school mid-May…PAC will advise with a set date on our website once notification of the delivery date is received.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
On behalf of Forrest PAC, Teresa Hrominchuk P:204-826-2982 email: [email protected]