Food Bank collection ends April 30th
Posted on 04/18/2018

The Forrest Kindergarten class has been learning about the difference between Needs and Wants in Social Studies throughout the year. They have been learning that people need food, shelter, love, water and clothing to live.
The Kinder class will be holding a food collection for the local food bank. We are inviting every student and staff member at Forrest to bring in 1 non-perishable food item that is not expired or nearing expiry.
Items that are most wanted by the food bank are canned fruit, vegetables, meat and soup, pasta, spaghetti sauce and beans.
Items can brought to the Kindergarten room or the Forrest Office beginning this week and ending on Monday April 30th.
The Kindergarten students will be sorting items into different food categories as the donations come in.
The class is excited to collect food for people who are in need of it.
Thank you in advance for helping us with this project.
Mrs. Topham and the Forrest Kindergarten Students