2020-2021 Forrest Re-entry information

September 4, 2020

Dear Forrest Parents

As we prepare to re open our school we have spent the week here at Forrest using the time to assure our school is ready within the re entry guidelines provided by the Province and Public Health.

Please review the COVID 19 Parent information package including COVID 19 screening tool

COVID-19 Parent Information Pkg - Sept 3, 2020 (5).pdf

The days ahead will spent learning many new routines implemented for a safe re opening. We recognize that our student's will have a wide range of feelings around school re entry and as a staff we will be doing the best we can to support our students in their new learning experiences. As we head into the long weekend, it will be helpful to provide reassuring language to our kids. They will be learning many new routines related co-horted play zones, staggered recesses and changes and adaptations in to timetables where required. This will be a new learning experience for staff students and families and we will navigate this together in the current situation, we are confident in our ability to be flexible and proactive in the weeks ahead.
Please see a photo gallery at top right of this page that provides a snapshot of our classrooms and student work spaces.
Please also review our play zones for before school and noon hours. Our recesses will be staggered and in cohorts twice daily. Recess and zones cohorts will be arranged in configurations of K-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8.

Playground Zones.pdf

You will be receiving a letter from your childs' teacher further detailing classroom routines as they relate to what your child can expect in the days ahead.
As we endeavour together, going ahead, I want to express to all our families that we are excited to see the re opening of our school and regain real time with our kids. The closure period has been a long one for all. The school will look different, but we will be working with kids to ease the transitions and changes we will all be experiencing together.

Please find attached below the planning for re-entry documents for the 2020-2021 school year. Staff will be working throughout the week ahead to become familiar with revisions to routines and changes required for the school day at the juncture of school re-entry on September 8, 2020. Please take a moment to review the following start up plan based on the Guidelines provided by Manitoba Education and Manitoba Health.


Chad Stiles, Principal, Forrest Elementary School

Forrest Parents Re entry (1).docx

K-4 Learning Community Start up.docx

5-8 Learning Community start up.docx