FES At Home Learning materials drop off Info

Forrest's At Home Learning Materials Drop Off
FES pick up

Hello Parents and Students,  

  I would like to start this letter by thanking
all the students and their parents for the
hard work that they are putting to their 
at-home learning.  
As you know, school has been suspended
indefinitely by the Government of Manitoba.
What this means, is that at-home learning
will continue until the government deems it
safe for students to come back into the
schools. To have continued success with
at-home learning, we must continue to work
together as team.   

The following is an outline of the next steps
for Forrest’s At-Home Learning Plan:  

  •  Before Spring break, learning packages were sent home or picked up for each student with guidelines to outline what learning at-home would look like for each different classroom.  
  • During the last few weeks (except for Spring Break) teachers have been reaching out to parents and students to give assistance and guidance as needed.  

  • Teachers are working on new learning packages of both print and on-line resources, books, textbooks and supplies for students. The packages will contain about four weeks worth of work with guidelines on how work is to be completed. 

  • Assessment of student learning will look different in each classroom. Our goal is to limit the exchange of papers at the school. Parents in Grade  K-4 may be asked to send pictures or documents through their email and students may be asked to work on on-line apps to help teachers assess progress (if feasible). For students in Grade  5-8, they will be asked to use their devices to email and use online apps for assessment. There will be variations for families with limited internet access.

  • Students will get a report card in June. Thursday June 25th and Friday June 26th Report Cards will be available for pick up- details will be sent by email.  Report cards not picked up will be mailed to families.

Return of Forrest Materials Drop off

Dear Forrest families, 

Next week we will be receiving materials and device/netbook return days on Monday June 15, Tuesday June 16, and  Wednesday June 17th from 9 AM to 4 PM.

Your child's classroom teacher will advise what materials need to be returned to the school for inventory.

Return of materials as identified by your child's teacher can be done at your convenience during the school day next Monday to Wednesday. 

We will be observing social distancing practices for continuous safety of all throughout the day.
Bins will be labeled by Grade and placed outside for drop-off.
Stay safe and strong,

Chad Stiles, Forrest Elementary Principal 

Please contact me with any questions or help you may need at [email protected]

we miss you